Tuesday 3 December 2013

New report highlights cyber weaknesses at Homeland Security, says progress is being made

New report highlights cyber weaknesses at Homeland Security, says progress is being made
Dec 3rd 2013, 18:42, by Chris Welch

The Department of Homeland Security is tasked with shielding the US government from sophisticated cyber attacks, but the agency is again getting lackluster marks for its own security defenses. A recent report from the DHS inspector general yet again highlighted the agency's tardiness in updating its systems to account for known cyber threats. "Plans of action and milestones are not being created for all known information security weaknesses or mitigated in a timely manner," the report says. The inspector also raised concerns over delays in establishing surefire verification methods that ensure sensitive data is only available to privileged users.
As reported by Politico, the IG also points out that computers at DHS headquarters are...
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