Thursday 26 September 2013

Google Street View lets you stroll around CERN, no doctorate required

Google Street View lets you stroll around CERN, no doctorate required
Sep 26th 2013, 13:32, by Jamie Rigg

Street View now lets you stroll around CERN, no physics doctorate required

Previously, free rein to explore the labyrinthine laboratory that is CERN has been granted only to the lucky, or those with four degrees and an aptitude for finding theoretical particles. That changes today, however, as anyone can now explore the home of the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, Switzerland through Google Street View. All the imagery was captured back in 2011, but it's finally been stitched together, allowing you to wander freely around the site of the famous particle accelerator and learn a little about its experiments. Hit up Google Views to begin your personal guided tour, and let us know if you spot this Higgs fellow everyone's so keen on finding.

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