Tuesday 24 September 2013

Gold iPhone 5s Gets Dropped, Dunked Into Water, Then Shot At With A 50-Cal. Round All In Slo-Mo [VIDEO]

Gold iPhone 5s Gets Dropped, Dunked Into Water, Then Shot At With A 50-Cal. Round All In Slo-Mo [VIDEO]
Sep 24th 2013, 16:07, by Ben Reid

Whenever a new gadget is released, the guys of the YouTube channel RatedRR take it upon themselves to basically wreck said device in the most brutal yet spectacular fashion. With the iPhone 5s being the biggest gadget released for a number of years and the gold model in such short supply as millions still await the shiny new color variant of Apple's flagship, the following footage, which shows the remains of the handset after a love-in with a 50-caliber bullet, may be unsuitable for some viewers.

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