Wednesday 28 August 2013

SMI launches Eye Tracking Glasses 2.0 with smartphone-based recorder (video)

SMI launches Eye Tracking Glasses 2.0 with smartphone-based recorder (video)
Aug 28th 2013, 13:44, by Steve Dent

SMI launches Eye Tracking Glasses 20
Remember SMI's Eye Tracking Glasses? They use a pair of small cameras on the rim to follow your gaze, allowing corporate and academic types to to see exactly what consumers and other subjects are focused on. Now the German company has launched Eye Tracking Glasses 2.0, an update that brings a slimmer design, instant setup, 60Hz eye-tracking performance and a smartphone-based recorder -- currently a customized Samsung Galaxy S4. Along with a bit less dorky look, the new electronics allow for much smoother tracking and shorter gaze time perception, according to SMI. There's no word on pricing or availability for businesses, but there is a rather dry video after the break. Delicious Digg Evernote Facebook Google Bookmarks Google Plus Instapaper LinkedIn Pocket StumbleUpon Tumblr Twitter

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