Do you have Google Glass? Do you also have a Tesla?
Yes? Seriously? Who the hell are you, Batman?
Anyway — there’s now an application that lets you bring these two extravagant toys together, allowing you to control a bunch of things in the Tesla by way of Google Glass. Why? Because.
Here’s what the app, called GLASSTESLA, can do so far:
- Tell you how much longer your car needs to charge
- Start/stop the charging process
- Check if your doors, trunk, or sunroof are open, and open/close the sunroof remotely
- Give you directions back to your car, in case you somehow forget where you parked your first Tesla while driving around in your second Tesla, or whatever.
- Lock/unlock your car
- Honk the horns or flash the lights
- Check the temperature of your car and control the A/C
The app’s developer, Sahas Katta, says he’s also able to pull the car’s compass direction/speed, but hasn’t come up with anything clever to do with that data yet as Google Glass cards can’t be updated quickly enough.
You can find the application here. If you actually need that download link, I’d like to be part of your entourage.
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