Wednesday 8 January 2014

Eating delicious 3D candy printed by a ChefJet

Eating delicious 3D candy printed by a ChefJet
Jan 7th 2014, 23:08, by Tyler Gold

It tasted almost exactly like the marshmallows in a box of Lucky Charms, but it looked like a hollowed-out skeleton cube. Or an octagon. Or any shape I could think of, really. And I could print another one whenever I wanted to.
3D Systems's new ChefJet and ChefJet Pro are 3D printers that print real, edible, delicious candies of varying shapes and sizes — 3D Systems says they’re the world’s first 3D food printers. The ChefJet uses a combination of sugar and water that actually creates a sugar frosting in real time, albeit as slowly as you’d expect from a 3D printer. Candies can be made in incredibly complex shapes, some of which are even hollow skeletons that hold little spheres — all edible, of course.
The regular ChefJet is...
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