Wednesday 2 October 2013

Samsung builds a social networking app around S Pen doodles

Samsung builds a social networking app around S Pen doodles
Oct 2nd 2013, 12:45, by Steve Dent

PENUP app from Samsung lets you flaunt your S Pen doodles
For those who actually unsheathe the S Pen from their Samsung device from time to time (unlike yours truly), there's now away to flaunt your stylus-ing prowess in public. The company has just launched PEN.UP, a social networking app dedicated to digital artwork from suitably-equipped Galaxy devices. Like any good sharing app, you can set up a personal feed containing your own sketches, group them thematically and follow and like others. For those who think drawing is a competitive sport, there's even a hall of of fame where members can vie for champion artist honors. So, if you're looking to get your S Pen on (and have a supported device), hit the source.
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