Wednesday 25 September 2013

Oculus Rift latency tester now available for pre-order, knows better than your eyes

Oculus Rift latency tester now available for pre-order, knows better than your eyes
Sep 25th 2013, 16:24, by Ben Gilbert

Oculus Rift latency tester now available for preorder, knows better than your eyes
Sure, you could try and measure the motion-to-photons latency present in various Oculus Rift virtual reality games using your naked eye, but the latency tester Oculus just put up for pre-order is much easier and far more accurate. As demonstrated by Oculus Rift inventor Palmer Luckey in the video after the break, simply pop off one of the Rift's two lens caps and pop on the latency tester. After plugging it in via mini-USB, the tester reads the latency per eye and outputs a number on the rear -- voila ici.
Like with so many things Oculus, folks who put in their name early have first crack at the latency tester. The rest of us can put in our names now for pre-order and they'll start shipping out soon -- we've asked Oculus for a more specific date. But if you're looking to get in on the action you probably shouldn't wait, as Oculus says that only a "limited quantity" is available for now, though more could be produced "based on demand."
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