Tuesday 24 September 2013

Nokia's Internships Lens uses AR to help find your next unpaid college gig

Nokia's Internships Lens uses AR to help find your next unpaid college gig
Sep 24th 2013, 14:00, by Timothy J. Seppala

DNP Nokia's Internship Lens uses AR to find tktk of your dreams, or not
Finding a college internship that isn't soul-draining can be tough, but Nokia wants to help with that. Today, the Finnish company is announcing a joint effort with Internships.com to release Internships Lens, an app that leverages augmented reality and your social circles to point you toward the nearest gig that hopefully pays more than just school credit. It's similar to JobLens in that it displays employment info over the top of wherever your Lumia's camera is looking -- again using LiveSight tech -- and is exclusive to Nokia's line of Windows Phone 8 handsets. What's more, you can research an employer from within the app, which could calm those pre-interview jitters. If you still need a 'ship for the upcoming winter semester, maybe this could help.
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Source: Internships
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