Tuesday 27 August 2013

Telltale Games bringing 'The Walking Dead' to the OUYA this winter

Telltale Games bringing 'The Walking Dead' to the OUYA this winter
Aug 27th 2013, 20:02, by Edgar Alvarez

Telltale Games bringing 'The Walking Dead' to the Ouya this winter

It's safe to say The Walking Dead game has had a pretty successful term on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 -- still, there's always a chance to grow beyond the more traditional consoles. With that in mind, Telltale Games announced today its plans to bring the zombie-heavy gaming series to the OUYA later this year. The game studio behind the title doesn't go beyond saying it'll be "coming this winter." However, it did say the release will include The Walking Dead: Season One along with the 400 Days DLC. The second season, meanwhile, is said to be in the works and due to follow at some point in the future. Owners of the tiny, Android-based box will be able to play the first episode at no cost, which should help decide if they want to carry on with the rest of the story or, you know, keep playing You Don't know Jack.

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Via: The Verge

Source: Telltale Games

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