Tuesday, 3 September 2013

We'll be liveblogging Sony's IFA press conference tomorrow at 10AM ET

We'll be liveblogging Sony's IFA press conference tomorrow at 10AM ET
Sep 3rd 2013, 19:30, by Brian Heater

We're here in Berlin, and we're ready to kick things off right. Sony's leading tomorrow's press conference charge with an event starting at 10AM ET tomorrow, and this being a Sony event, we're expecting big things -- and lots of them. For starters, there's the Homani handset we've been hearing about and a number of cameras, like the Alpha A4000 and NEX-5T. And then there are the Vaios and even a few gadgets you can wear on your person. So join us right here for all the action.
September 4, 2013 10:00:00 AM EDT
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