Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Kodak exits bankruptcy with new focus on business imaging

Kodak exits bankruptcy with new focus on business imaging
Sep 3rd 2013, 19:42, by Jon Fingas

Kodak exits bankruptcy
After a year and a half of trials and tribulations, Kodak is finally in the clear -- it just exited Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Now that the company has finished offloading its document and personal imaging groups, it's free to pursue a recently court-approved reorganization plan that focuses solely on business products like movie film and packaging. The resulting firm is a far cry from the camera giant that we once knew, but we may hear about its work in the future. Kodak promises more details of "what's next," and it tells the AP that it's working on technology like printable touchscreen layers and smart packaging.
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Via: Wall Street Journal
Source: Kodak
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