Tuesday 28 May 2013

ECC Questionnaire is Sent To EU Carriers Over Apple's Contractual Practices

Regulators at the ECC have released a nine-page questionnaire to network carriers asking about Apple's tactics in regards to iPhone contracts involving the carriers and Apple, in line with the Financial Times. The questionnaire arrives 8 weeks after European regulators started considering whether Apple's contracts with carriers could possibly be regarded as anti-competitive. Since then the Financial Times reports:

The nine-page questionnaire sent to telecoms groups primarily relates to sales practices, including whether Apple forces groups to buy a minimum number of iPhones, restrictions on the use of marketing budgets and clauses that ensure Apple is always offered no worse subsidies and sales terms than other smartphone makers. It also asks whether Apple places technical or contractual restrictions on the iPhone 5 that mean it cannot be used on high-speed 4G networks in Europe.

The EU carriers will have until June the 17th to provide a reply . After the period the regulators will consider the answers and make a decision whether to formally proceed with an investigation about Apple's contractual practices.

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