Saturday, 1 February 2014

Rio's 'ghost hotels' stand hauntingly vacant ahead of World Cup

Rio's 'ghost hotels' stand hauntingly vacant ahead of World Cup
Feb 1st 2014, 16:14, by Carl Franzen

In the years leading up to the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil, soccer's main event, numerous journalists and commentators questioned whether Rio de Janeiro would be able to effectively and safely host the competition. But putting aside concerns about how Rio deals with high rates of crime and the relocation of lower income residents, there's another issue facing the city as the contest draws near: a lack of hotel space for tourists, an estimated 1.5 million of whom are anticipated to flock to the city for the matches. The Washington Post highlights the soaring nightly rates for hotel rooms and a possible space shortage, juxtaposing them against three iconic "ghost hotels," big, beautiful buildings that have stood vacant and unfinished for...
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