Thursday 3 October 2013

This Week On The TC Europe Podcast: Google Is The Bad Guy, TechStars Invades London, Memoto Becomes Narrative

thumbnail This Week On The TC Europe Podcast: Google Is The Bad Guy, TechStars Invades London, Memoto Becomes Narrative
Oct 3rd 2013, 19:05, by Romain Dillet

TechCrunch Europe Podcast

Welcome back to another episode of the most European tech podcast around. This week, we talk about Google’s tendency to be the bad guy in Europe. It has some issues with France’s CNIL around privacy — at least it would be fine if the company paid corporate taxes. This is the TechCrunch Europe Podcast, wherein we European writers discuss tech news, as well as what’s happening in our startup scene.

Also happening this week, it was TechStars first demo day in London! Three of us were there and picked our favorite startups. Finally, Darrell introduced us to Narrative, a lifelogging camera to keep track of everything. Would you buy this very expensive and creepy device?

Join Steve O’Hear, Natasha Lomas, Darrell Etherington, John Biggs, and Romain Dillet to hear what we think about those topics.

We invite you to enjoy our weekly podcast every Thursday.

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