Tuesday, 3 September 2013

We're live from IFA 2013 in Berlin!

We're live from IFA 2013 in Berlin!
Sep 3rd 2013, 16:00, by Alexis Santos

We're live from IFA 2013 in Berlin!

We've just wormed our way inside Messe Berlin's cavernous halls for IFA, where we're expecting to see a deluge of fresh hardware that'll include smartphones with 4K-recording chops and at least one smartwatch of note. Asus, Samsung and Sony are holding their respective press events tomorrow, and we're pretty confident we'll see the rumored Honami from Hirai and Co., along with the Galaxy Note 3 and Galaxy Gear from JK Shin and friends. On Thursday, Haier, Lenovo, LG and Panasonic will keep the announcements coming with their round of reveals. Finally, Friday will round out our time at the show with keynotes from Sprint CEO Dan Hesse and Ford's own head honcho, Alan Mullaly. To stay on top of all the unveilings, keep your browser trained on our IFA 2013 hub.


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