Tuesday 19 March 2013

Game of Thrones Latest Trailer Promises Bears, Ice And Fire

The latest trailer for Game of Thrones is out, and if you’re already on pins and needles waiting for the HBO show’s March 31 debut, this isn’t going to help. It’s full of swordplay, fire, ominous threats, Joffrey being a dick, and a little something for everyone.
The trailer begins and ends with dragons, as Daenerys continues to make power plays across the Narrow Sea with the help of her fire-breathing friends; Jaime and Brienne find themselves locked in a swordfight; Stannis warns (likely, for the first of many times this season) that darkness will devour them all without his incredibly boring leadership, and young King Robb makes battle plans to “take his gold, take his hold” before time runs out. Who’s he? Storm of Swords fans can likely take a guess, but everyone else will have to wait and see.
Oh, and there’s a bear, which likely means a certain scene with two fan-favorite characters lies ahead. [Source]

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